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The Lack of Geopolitical Premium is Daunting

The lack of geopolitical premium in the market is daunting.  Many Davos participants have publicly commented about the continued deterioration of the geopolitical backdrop and how the markets are just viewing this deterioration as noise. 

The most vexing remarks surround the escalation of the events in the Red Sea and the impact upon shipping.  Crude is 20% lower than before hostilities broke out.   Inflation is expected to rise given the increased shipping costs and delays in receiving the product, creating possible bottlenecks.

Commenting about the weekly jobless claims, initial claims decreased by 16,000 falling to the lowest since September 2022.  The figure was below all estimates in a Bloomberg survey of economists.

Weekly claims are notoriously volatile, influenced by one off events such as weather or holidays.  With this written however, the data clearly demonstrates a robust labor market.

The four-week moving average, which tends to paint a clearer picture, also dropped more than expected, to the lowest level in 11 months.  Wow!

Equites were bifurcated yesterday.  The NASDAQ—led by the tech behemoths—rallied about 1.35%.  The Dow gained about 0.50%.  The yield curve steepened as longer dated Treasuries sold off more than shorter dated ones.

What will happen today?

Last night the foreign markets were up.  London was up 0.38%, Paris up 0.10%  and Frankfurt up 0.26%.  China was down 0.47%, Japan up 1.40%  and Hang Seng down 0.54%.

Dow and NASDAQ futures are up 0.40% and 0.8%, respectively, perhaps on the continuing belief the Fed will lower interest rates in March.  The 10-year is up 2/32 to yield 4.09%.

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Kent Engelke

Chief Economic Strategist Managing Director

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