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Job openings unexpectedly rose in May, interrupting a months-long downtrend that underscored a gradual slowdown in labor demand.  Available positions increased to 8.14 million form a downwardly revise 7.92 million reading in the prior month that was the lowest in three years.

Both hiring and layoffs picked up in a sign of churn in the job market.  The quits rate was unchanged.

The number of vacancies per unemployed worker, a ratio the Federal Reserve watches closely, held at 1.2 and matched the lowest since June 2021.  At its peak in 2022, the ratio was 2 to 1.

Will Friday’s BLS Employment survey suggest the same as the JOLTS Labor Survey…a healthy and vibrant labor market?

Treasury yields pared declines after the data was released, tempering optimism from FRB Chair Powell’s remarks that the latest data is suggesting the disinflation trend has resumed.

Powell stated, “there has been a substantial move toward better balance in the labor market between the supply of and demand for workers.”

Equites led by the mega cap gained.  The Dow was up about 0.2% while the NASDAQ rose 0.7%, the result of Powell’s comments stating the US is back on a “disinflationary path.”

The markets will close today at 1:00 PM for the Fourth of July holiday.

Last night the foreign markets were up. London was up 0.56%, Paris up 1.55% and Frankfurt up 0.92%.  China was down 0.49%, Japan up 1.26%  and Hang Seng up 1.18%.

Futures are flat heading into a shortened trading session and a data dump that includes the ISM Services Index, durable goods and factory orders and FOMC Minutes.   The 10-year is off 1/32 to yield 4.43%.

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Kent Engelke

Chief Economic Strategist Managing Director

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